This is Vaggos. A tall 20 year-old with a beautiful cock that he dares not touch. Vaggos is a no-fapper. Fapping as in fap fap fap, the sound of the masturbating cock. Vaggos is the lead of no-fapping in Greece. An international move of men that dynamically avoid masturbating to retain energy and adopt a proactive approach to life that masturbation - the act of spending valuable time in life fapping your cock - destroys. Beyond all this, beyond judging whether this is beneficial or not, Vaggos is very active within the no-fapping community in Greece. He has a strong belief and does all he can to strongly support it. I did my best to make him touch his cock, but he resisted. Nevertheless he easily got hard for us to see, several times during this casting shoot and said that when he decides so, he will return to give his cock a good wank and let us see him cum allover, although he really very badly does not want to go down that path. Enjoy his nudity for now, because there will be more coming up later. Hopefully covered in lots of sticky, sinful cum.